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Welcome to the Book of Jason!  This is a place I store random bits of knowledge, trivia, and wisdom that I discover along my journey. I’m keenly interested in technology, science, leadership, people, culture and philosophy.

Recent Posts

  • Turn Noise into Butterflies
    Noise! It’s all around us—static, random bits of information floating across the Earth, colliding, separating, and reforming. Our atmosphere creates chaotic radio symphonies as the sun’s solar radiation dance across the ionosphere. Beyond the shell of our crystal blue globe, our galaxy hisses with low-level radioactivity, silently bombarding us with its celestial signal. And just …
  • What do you take?
    What do you take with you? The emergency broadcast pulse is still echoing across your house. Sleep is heavy in your eyes, but adrenalin is surging. You stare at the screen before you, “Evacuation notice for your area.” You look around. You are surrounded by your loved ones. Your pets stare at you, worried about …
  • A Small World
    Several years ago, I had the privilege of meeting the brilliant songwriter Richard Sherman at our Glendale campus. Ironically, I had no idea it was him! We were both late to a meeting and ended up sitting on a couch in the back of the room. We were enjoying a friendly chat when the emcee …
  • You’ve Got Mail!
    “I like warm hugs.” – Olaf Okay, I’m not talking about AOL, email, or the movie. My inbox would crash a notifier like that with the hundreds of emails I get each day. No, I’m talking about real physical mail. It may look like the mail icon on most email clients, but instead of pixels, it’s …
  • Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving
    Last week, as I drove down Wiley Canyon Road on the way to work, I got goosebumps. It was windy and cold but the canopy of trees that bridge the sky had exploded in full fall festival. Warm yellows, firecracker reds, and glowing browns adorned the heavenly landscape. Wisps of wind carried retired leaves across …

iCurlHTTP and iOS Development


iCurlHTTP is a simple, easy to use app that allows you to run MacOS/Linux-like cURL tests against URLs. It can simulate different web browsers (user-agents) to retrieve the raw HTTP headers and HTML response from web servers. Want to know the history and build details on how iCurlHTTP came about?  Read this blog post.

Need to learn how to build iOS and tvOS cross-compiled versions of cURL, OpenSSL and nghttp2? Take advantage of this handy project: https://github.com/jasonacox/Build-OpenSSL-cURL


  • Technology – Explore various Arduino, (arduino.cc). ATtiny85, Raspberry Pi (raspberrypi.org) and ESP8266 WiFI microcontroller projects. I give details on several projects I have taken on over the years, including home automation, security systems, WiFI water detectors, weather stations and 3D printing. I also chronicle random investigations into current technologies, computer science and beyond.
  • Science – Reviews and contemplations about all things science but mostly quantum physics.
  • Leadership – Study up on a collection of blogs, publications, book reviews and conferences on Leadership, Culture and Business.
  • Finance – Find practical wisdom tidbits that I have discovered through my reading.
  • Entertainment – Comments and reviews on movies, parks and the industry.
  • Theology – Study and contemplate of our Creator and practical spiritual applications.

Contact Me

I love to hear from friend and meet new people. You can contact me via social media at Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Check out my OSS projects on GitHub as well.

About Jason | Bibliography| Cox Family Ancestry | iCurlHTTP | Tron