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Welcome to the Book of Jason!  This is a place I store random bits of knowledge, trivia, and wisdom that I discover along my journey. I’m keenly interested in technology, science, leadership, people, culture and philosophy.

Recent Posts

  • The Blue Screen of Summer
    This weekend I heard, “This week has been the longest year ever!” I think we can all appreciate that sentiment! First, thank you all for your tireless efforts to help mitigate the impacts of the global CrowdStrike related Microsoft system outages last week. As technology first responders, many of you were on the case, triaging …
  • Wiring for Outcomes
    “Come back in half an hour,” the host at Brix Italian Restaurant in Belleville, New Jersey, said with a sympathetic smile. The catering order for the wedding rehearsal dinner for about 100 people was not quite ready. When I had been sent to pick it up, what I didn’t know was that the restaurant was …
  • Movies!
    A gasp and then silence fell across the room. Jenna, a young and wide-eyed girl behind me said with a soft and nervous voice, “Mommy, are they okay?” Boom! The environment exploded with electrifying sound and brilliant flashes of light. Silhouettes of nearby friends illuminated all around us, projecting living shadows across the room. A …
  • A Feast of Words
    “Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to the words of knowledge.”– Proverbs I love coffee. Before sitting down to write this, I had to get up and get a fresh cup. They say, “You are what you eat and drink.” Now, I must confess, my “coffee” is as much milk as it is caffeine. …
  • Richard Sherman
    I was running late. The previous session had run over. I needed to run! I jogged across the campus to make it to my next meeting. It was in the presentation room at Imagineering HQ. After a quick sprint down the John Hench Graffiti Hallway, I quietly ducked into the venue. Thankfully, I wasn’t alone. …

iCurlHTTP and iOS Development


iCurlHTTP is a simple, easy to use app that allows you to run MacOS/Linux-like cURL tests against URLs. It can simulate different web browsers (user-agents) to retrieve the raw HTTP headers and HTML response from web servers. Want to know the history and build details on how iCurlHTTP came about?  Read this blog post.

Need to learn how to build iOS and tvOS cross-compiled versions of cURL, OpenSSL and nghttp2? Take advantage of this handy project: https://github.com/jasonacox/Build-OpenSSL-cURL


  • Technology – Explore various Arduino, (arduino.cc). ATtiny85, Raspberry Pi (raspberrypi.org) and ESP8266 WiFI microcontroller projects. I give details on several projects I have taken on over the years, including home automation, security systems, WiFI water detectors, weather stations and 3D printing. I also chronicle random investigations into current technologies, computer science and beyond.
  • Science – Reviews and contemplations about all things science but mostly quantum physics.
  • Leadership – Study up on a collection of blogs, publications, book reviews and conferences on Leadership, Culture and Business.
  • Finance – Find practical wisdom tidbits that I have discovered through my reading.
  • Entertainment – Comments and reviews on movies, parks and the industry.
  • Theology – Study and contemplate of our Creator and practical spiritual applications.

Contact Me

I love to hear from friend and meet new people. You can contact me via social media at Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Check out my OSS projects on GitHub as well.

About Jason | Bibliography| Cox Family Ancestry | iCurlHTTP | Tron